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Monthly Circles

Motherhood Circle

A chance for you to be nurtured and mothered. A mix of meditation, yoga, moon musings, journaling and shared experiences. Each month we will work with different themes and topics.

Mother & Baby Circle

Being a Mother doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your whole self and desires. These circles are the same as the mother circles only you can bring your baby to soak up the magic.  Deepen the connection with your baby by cocooning them during a loving meditation. .

Moon Circles

Monthly full or new moon workshops coming soon.

Sacred Circles 

What happens during a Circle?

  • Opening of the circle

  • Meditation to feel more balanced and grounded 

  • Seasonal rituals to gain clarity, inspiration and build a deeper connection within your soul.

  • Journal prompts and herbal tea.

  • Movement.

  •  Setting intentions for the upcoming season.

  • Optional sharing of what came up for you.

  • A closing practice

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